Team Fortress Classic
This is the folder where I keep all my TFC files.
This folder is empty.
Main Folder (57 files)
General (Empty) - This is the folder for anything and everything....
Desktop (6 files) - Screenshots of my desktop....
Screenshots (1 files) - Screenshots from various sources....
CWAL2 (Empty) - A folder for updates relating to the CWAL2 forum/community....
Team Fortress Classic (Empty) - This is the folder where I keep all my TFC files....
Sprays (Empty) - Monochrome spraypaint images for Half-Life, TFC, and many other great games!...
Instructionals (Empty) - Instructional videos and screenshots to teach you about TFC and Vavle Hammer Edi...
Music (19 files) - Music I have uploaded......
Pills Mixes (Empty) - Music or sounds I have made...
Pillcasts (Empty) - Audio logs of what's on my mind...
Door (3 files)
4chan B Cards (20 files) - Sets of Magic the Gathering cards made from and for people from /b/....
CPPP (6 files) - C++ Programs...